What is a thigh lift?

This procedure, helps to reshape, the thighs by removing the excess skin, and in some cases fat, which results in smoother skin and better -proportioned contours of the thighs and lower body. If you have not be successful, with fitness and weight loss procedures, then you can opt for an surgical thigh lift which could be right for you.

What a thigh lift procedure wont do?

Thigh lifts are not strictly intended for the removal of excess fat, however liposuction alone can help remove excess fat deposits where the skin has a good elasticity and it able to naturally conform the new body contours. In these cases where the skin elasticity is poor, and a combination of liposuction and thigh lift techniques could be recommended.

Thigh lift candidates

  • People whose weight is table.
  • Is a thigh lift procedure right for me?
  • Individuals who have excess soft tissue, along with the inner or medial thigh region/or outer thigh.
  • Individuals who are healthy, without any health problems , that can impair the healing or increase the risk of surgery.
  • Non-smokers
  • Individuals , with a positive outlook and the realistic goals for what thigh lift surgery can accomplish and also committed in leading a healthy life style including proper nutrition and fitness.

What happens during thigh lift surgery?

Step 1 – Anaesthesia

Before the surgery, intravenous sedation, and general anaesthesia, is administered. Your doctor will recommend the best choice for you.

Step 2 – The incision

It varies from surgeon to surgeon, the pattern , degree of correction ,patient's preference and also the area or areas, to be treated.

The common technique, used for a thigh lift, is in the groin, extending downward wrapping around the back of the thigh. The underlying areas and the tissue matrix will be reshaped and tightened. The skin will, then be re-draped and reduced which would result in a more smoother body and more

proportionate body contour It depends if a minimal incision, is necessary in the medial thigh lift which involves, an incision only in the groin area. The surgeon will determine what's appropriate.

Medial Thigh Lift

To improve the contours of the outer thigh, the surgeon would make an incision which extends from the groin around the hip, through these incisions your plastic surgeon will tighten tissues for a more smoother, and better-toned lower body contour. With advanced techniques, these incisions, are usually placed in strategic locations, where they can be hidden by most types of clothing and swimsuits, however, incisions may be extensive.

Outer Thigh Lift

Step 3 – Closing the incisions

Deep support sutures within underlying tissues help to form the newly shaped contours. Sutures close the skin incisions.

Step 4 – See the results

The smoother and tighter the contouring, the result is more effective and immediate,although there is some swelling and bruising. The surgeon would suggest, to wear a compression garment for several weeks following the procedure to minimise the swelling and support of the tissues as they heal. Considering a thigh lift, the skin quality is dramatically improved both in the appearance and feel.

Risks and safety information

It is up to the individual if,the person wants to go ahead and do a thigh lift, for your own benefits, and take the necessary and complications involved. The plastic surgeon, or staff will explain in detail the risks associated with surgery. After an discussion, the surgeon would ask you to sign a consent form, to make sure that you fully understand the procedure that you would undergo, and the possible risks and potential complications.

Risks Include:

  • Unfavourable scarring
  • Bleeding(hematoma)
  • Infection
  • Fluid accumulation/poor wound healing
  • Skin loss/blood clots
  • Numbness/Anaesthesia risks
  • Major wound separation/asymmetry/pain which may persist
  • Results which are not satisfactory, such as highly visible surgical scar location, there are also visible deformities, like bunching and rippling in the skin near the suture lines or at the ends of the incisions.
  • Recurrent looseness of the skin, DVT,cardiac&pulmonary complications
  • Sutures may be visible through the skin, and become visible or produce irritation that requires removal.
  • There could be a possibility of revisional surgery

When you go home

If you experience anything unusual, like shortness of breath, chest pains, or usual heart beats, seek medical attention immediately, there could be some complications which may occur, and you may require hospitalisation and additional treatment would be required.

There is not guarantee, given after the surgery is done that you would receive optimal result, with just one surgery, you may have to do another surgery .

Thigh lift recovery

After the procedure is completed, the dressing on the bandages may be applied to your incisions, and you will be wrapped in an elastic bandage, or a compression garment to minimise, the swelling and to support the new contours as you heal.

There would be one or more small thin tubes, which may be temporarily placed under the skin to drain the excess fluid or blood that may collect.

The surgeon would give you specific instructions to take care of the wound, and also administer medications to avoid infection.