Refining the Nasal Tip /Correction

This bulbous or drooping nasal tip could be a product of genetics, aging or a nose job gone in an opposite direction. Mostly African, Asians, are likely to have flatter and wider tips. Indians are more likely to have pointed drooping tips. The size, shape , and the strength of the cartilages forming the nasal tip may be the hindrance of drooping tip, and plastic surgery correction, may be quite straightforward. The natural cartilage may be simply shaped, and supported by sutures. In some cases the cosmetic surgeon to use grafts or implants.

The nose changes, with age, and the skin becomes thicker and the tip of the nose begins to droop in response to the long-term affects of gravity and the age: the loss of bone volume and cartilage. A drooping tip can interfere with the ability to breathe freely.

Follow a simple test , to see if you are a candidate for cosmetic or rhinoplasty surgery. Simply push the tip of your nose up with your finger, and see if it is easy to breathe, if so the nasal tip refinement rhinoplasty surgery might benefit you both cosmetically and functionally.

All that is needed, is a little plastic surgery refinement of the nasal tip, and possibly some cartilage grafting, this cosmetic surgery procedure is like”rhinoplasty light” which means, no bones are broken and the recovery is fast and there is no pain.

Tip refinement surgery can be combined with cosmetic plastic surgery procedures , such as facelift , neck lift or blepharoplasty(eyelid lift)

The Procedure

Tip refinement surgery or known as nose job surgery, can be performed at Concept Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Centre based surgical facility, under local anaesthesia, with IV sedation or under general anaesthesia, this procedure takes about 45 minutes to 2 hours. This procedure is tailored by the cosmetic surgeon for the patient, but most of the time all the incisions are made internally, so that there are no scars which are visible,very rarely an incision is made at the base of the nose and is carefully hidden.


You can return to normal activity in a weeks time, after your tip refinement plastic surgery. You might notice immediate improvement, however the shape of your nose and your profile will continue to refine over the next 12-18 months.


Tip refinement rhinoplasty, does have certain risks,and include infection infection, bleeding and reaction to anaesthesia. The other risks include structural damage to the nose. Your surgeon will discuss these potential risks, and benefits with you before the procedure in full during consultation at Concept Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Centre

To determine whether or not, you benefit from tip refinement rhinoplasty or nose job surgery, call your us today at, Concept Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Centre, to schedule your personal comprehensive plastic surgery consultation.