Non Surgical Fat Reduction

There are two types of body shaping and fat removal without surgical liposuction

Advantages of the techniques

  • Painless and non-invasive procedure as both the methods are safe and does not involve effecting other tissues
  • Injection lipolysis removes localized fat deposits without harming the skin hence this process is very useful for targeted treatment to reduce fat
  • Cryolipolysis and Injection lipolysis are useful for treatment of multiple areas at the same time
  • A sublime alternative to invasive liposuction which causes severe harm to the other tissues and also may cause other side effects
  • Visible and measurable results in a very short while as both techniques are targeted treatments in nature
  • Improves quality of skin as once the unwanted fat is removed the skin contours improve and becomes healthier
  • No down time as the patient can leave soon after the treatment and there is no recovery time.
  • Concept cosmetic surgery and laser centre offer the best non surgical fat reduction in Hyderabad,India